

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan», 2024

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological study «Youth of Kazakhstan», conducted by the methods of mass re...
22.08.2024 2743

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan», 2023

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological study «Youth of Kazakhstan», conducted by the methods of mass...
16.08.2023 4248

Analytical report «Social attitudes of NEET youth in Kazakhstan», 2022

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological study "Social attitudes of NEET youth in Kazakhstan", commiss...
22.02.2023 3291

Analytical report «Features of educational and labor migration of young people in border regions», 2022

The analytical report is based on the results of a sociological study "Features of educational and labor migration of youth in ...
22.02.2023 2353

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan», 2022

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological study "Youth of Kazakhstan" conducted by the methods of mass ...
22.02.2023 2662

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan», 2021

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological survey «Youth of Kazakhstan», conducted by the methods of mass r...
06.10.2021 4813

Report «International experience in the development and implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth policy», 2020

The report «International experience in the development and implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth policy» wa...
19.02.2020 3541

Analytical report «Problems and needs of the main strata of youth», 2020

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological research «Problems and needs of the main strata of youth», carri...
19.02.2020 3773

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan», 2020

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological survey «Youth of Kazakhstan», conducted by the methods of mass r...
19.02.2020 3656

Analytical report «Social attitudes of youth NEET in Kazakhstan», 2020

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological research «Social attitudes of youth NEET in Kazakhstan» conducte...
19.02.2020 3616

Analytical report «Social well-being and urgent problems of rural youth in Kazakhstan», 2019

As a large socio-demographic group, young people have a number of characteristics. On the one hand, young people are characterized...
19.02.2019 3495

Analytical report «Sociological portrait of NEET youth in Kazakhstan», 2019

One of the problems of modern society is the presence of a certain proportion of the population that is not employed in the sphere...
19.02.2019 3740

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan. Second measurement», 2nd half of 2019

Currently, the country's competitiveness in the global world largely depends on the government's policy towards the younger genera...
19.02.2019 3360

Analytical report «Youth of Kazakhstan. First measurement», 1st half of 2019

Young people are the driving force behind many socio-political processes and, being the most mobile, active part of the population...
19.02.2019 3441

Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference «Future professions: what Y, Z generation should be prepared to?», 2018

The materials were prepared following the results of a republican scientific and practical conference on topical issues of youth w...
19.02.2018 3420

Analytical report «Main aspects of the programme «Rukhani zhangyru», 2018

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the values and value orientations of Kazakhstani youth in t...
19.02.2018 3487

Analytical report «Social well-being of youth of the Atyrau oblast», 2018

The analytical report on the results of the sociological research «Social well-being of the youth of the Atyrau oblast» is based o...
19.02.2018 3224

Analytical report «Determination of the level of marginalization and involvement in the subcultures of youth in Almaty», 2018

At all times, young people have been widely involved in social and political processes and found themselves in the orbit of the la...
19.02.2018 3787

Analytical report «Comprehensive sociological study of the youth situation in the city of Astana», 2018

The analytical report on the results of a comprehensive sociological study of the youth situation in Astana includes three chapter...
19.02.2018 3577

Analytical report «The state of state youth policy: needs and social practices», 2018

Young people play an important role in social relations, the production of material and spiritual wealth. As practice shows, the p...
19.02.2018 3066