Opportunities for youth
State youth support programmes
Social workplaces

Social workplaces

Social workplaces

Legal basis for the implementation of the program

  1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Employment of the population»: https://online.zakon.kz/document/?doc_id=38847468

Program Implementation Mechanism

  1. A social workplace is created by the employer on a contractual basis with the employment center in order to employ the unemployed with subsidized wages.
  2. Social workplaces are temporary. The duration of working in social workplaces is no more than 12 months.
  3. The monthly subsidy amount is 35% of the established wage, but not more than the minimum wage determined by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year. Part of the payment for people employed in social workplaces is made by the expense of the employer independently, monthly for the time actually worked, based on the amount established by the employment contract.

Where to turn for help?

to the Employment Center at the place of residence (https://www.enbek.kz/ru/zaniatost/czn-contacts)

What documents are needed?

  • identity document;
  • education document (certificate, diploma).
More details:https://www.enpf.kz/ru/services/unemployed/social-work.php/?doc_id=30368885

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