Today's youth are lazier at work - study

Today's youth are lazier at work - study

Современная молодежь более ленива на работе - исследование

Today's youth are lazier at work - study

After the global lockdown, young professionals who take jobs are predominantly experienced in online interactions such as training. Some company managers believe that this made young employees lazy. More details are provided by Tengri Life with reference to McToday.

According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, a lack of hands-on training may have left Generation Z lazy or uneducated when it comes to completing basic tasks at work. "They don't want to be productive," one director said.

Some feel that young people lack communication skills, in particular the knowledge of how to compose an email, how to initiate office communication, and what to wear to work.

According to the study, younger generations in the US, UK, Germany, France, Poland and Japan were two to three times more likely to feel left out at company online conferences than their older counterparts.

Despite the opinions of their supervisors, almost half of the younger generation of workers say that it is not laziness that is the cause of the inability to start work on their own, but rather stress and anxiety. A 2023 Deloitte Gen Z and Millennial Survey found that many young professionals feel exhausted or out of work.

Also a popular topic for generational comparisons is that young professionals can quickly quit if the job does not suit them.

Source: Translation of the original text,

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