

Mukhtar Amanbayuly: Young people not only talk about environmental and climate issues but also actively take action

In the spring of this year, Kazakhstan faced unprecedented floods and serious consequences from them. Thousands of houses were...
04.07.2024 207

Leading psychologist-addictologist Galiya Nazkhanova: «Drugs have become more accessible to young people»

As the President noted in his speech at the third session of the National Kurultai «Adal adam – Adal enbek – Adal tabys», drug...
17.06.2024 341

Shikhotov Semyon: The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan has become for Kazakhstanis the personification of peace, goodness, mutual understanding and solidarity

Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country, for this reason, the country's government established the Holiday of Unity of the People...
30.04.2024 401

Good afternoon, Bibarys! Thank you for agreeing to the interview. Could you tell us more about the Kazak Babyl project? ...
11.04.2024 373

11.04.2024 496

Asiya Ermukhambetova: On the state and prospects of Kazakh science

Analysis of the contingent of scientific workers shows the risk of low potential for intergenerational replacement of scientif...
07.03.2024 392

President of AIESEC in Astana : Take advantage of all the unique opportunities that come your way

Many young Kazakhstanis dream of getting work experience abroad without large time and money investments. Today there are m...
20.02.2024 417

Zhandos Aktayev: «Inaction leads to degradation of society»

Drug addiction is one of the most urgent and serious problems of modern society. People suffer from drug addiction regardless o...
12.02.2024 444

В основе – человеческий капитал

Развитие человеческого капитала, инвестиции в образование нового типа – важнейшие задачи сегодняшнего экономического курса...
30.09.2020 2074