Shikhotov Semyon: The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan has become for Kazakhstanis the personification of peace, goodness, mutual understanding and solidarity

Shikhotov Semyon: The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan has become for Kazakhstanis the personification of peace, goodness, mutual understanding and solidarity

Shikhotov Semyon: The holiday of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan has become the personification of peace, goodness, mutual understanding and solidarity for Kazakhs

Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country, for this reason, the country's government established the Holiday of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated annually on May 1.

A special role in the country's politics is played by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and other cultural centers. Today we interviewed the head of the youth wing "Association of Russian, Slavic and Cossack Organizations of Kazakhstan" SHIKHOTOVA Semena.


SHIKHOTOV Semyon Vladimirovich

Head of the youth wing of the ALE "Association of Russian, Slavic and Cossack organizations of Kazakhstan"


- Good afternoon, Semyon! Thank you for agreeing to give an interview before the National Unity Day! As you know, Kazakhstan is a polyethnic country. According to the Bureau of National Statistics, 124 ethnic groups live in our country.

In your opinion, what advantages does a multiethnic environment give to the residents of Kazakhstan?

Good day! Thank you for your interest in our activities and for the opportunity to share your opinions on the eve of such a wonderful holiday as the Holiday of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan, being a multi-ethnic state, provides its citizens with a unique opportunity to enrich themselves through cultural diversity. The created environment promotes the development of openness, flexibility of thinking and the ability to find a common language with people of different cultural and ethnic groups. Therefore, these qualities are undoubted advantages in the modern globalized world.

- Tell us, what is the main mission of your organization, when was it created and how many people are its members? What achievements have you had?

The Association of Russian, Slavic and Cossack organizations of Kazakhstan (ARSK) was created and began its active activities in 1999, there are branches and representative offices in all regions of the country, and it includes more than 45 independent organizations.

At the republican level, the newspaper “ARSK Bulletin”, magazines in Russian are published, and there is an official website (

The main mission of the organization is the consolidation of public associations, the preservation of traditions, language and identity, the strengthening and development of friendly, cultural and social ties with all ethnic groups. There are Sunday schools and courses on studying the state language. Our activities include the organization of cultural events, sports competitions, educational programs and socially significant projects; several of our ensembles received the title “People’s”.

For constructive activities for the prosperity of our country, activists are awarded public and state awards. ARSK supports all initiatives of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan; young people throughout the country are members and participate in actions implemented by the RPO “Zhastary Assembly”.

Also, as part of the implementation of the special project “Zhurekten Zhurekke”, targeted assistance is provided to those in need.

- Why do you think working with young people is important?

Working with young people is extremely important, since it is young people who shape the future of our state. Thus, their involvement in socio-cultural activities, education and public affairs contributes to the development of a responsible and conscious approach to life in society.

- What personal qualities, in your opinion, need to be cultivated in young people in order for tolerance and interethnic harmony to develop?

I believe that nurturing such qualities as responsibility, a sense of duty, respect for others, empathy, goodwill, openness and readiness for dialogue is key to the development of tolerance and interethnic harmony. These qualities help young people build a more harmonious society.

It should be noted that young people take part in international forums, scientific and practical conferences and festivals, where they adequately represent Kazakhstan in all areas.

- What unites the youth of Kazakhstan?

Young people today represent a significant part of the country’s population, almost 6 million people, which is almost a third of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan. In my opinion, young people are united by the desire for justice, development, stability and prosperity of our country. Young people have enormous potential to strive to contribute to the development of the economy, culture, science and education, regardless of their ethnicity.

- What would you like to wish the people of Kazakhstan for the holiday?

The Holiday of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan has become for all generations of Kazakhstanis the personification of peace, kindness, mutual understanding and solidarity.

I would like to wish all residents of Kazakhstan prosperity, well-being and confidence in the future, so that our country will always be an example of peace and harmony. Let's value and respect each other, together build a common future where everyone can find their place and realize their potential.

The interview was conducted by Zhangabyl Zauresh, expert of SRC "Youth"

The photo material is taken from Shikhotov Semyon's personal archive.

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this material belong solely to the author(s) and do not reflect the official position of the Youth Research Center. In addition, the Center is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information in this material.

30.04.2024 630

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