Report «Neither to the countryside, nor to the city: the problem of informal employment of youth in monotowns of Kazakhstan», 2017

Report «Neither to the countryside, nor to the city: the problem of informal employment of youth in monotowns of Kazakhstan», 2017

Доклад «Ни к селу, ни к городу: проблема неформальной занятости молодежи в моногородах Казахстана», 2017

Informal employment is a labour activity that is not regulated in part or in full by the laws existing in the country and involves the absence of social guarantees provided for by official labor contracts. In everyday speech, the description of this phenomenon as hidden or «shadow» employment is popular.

The research was carried out with the support of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan. The point of view of the authors, reflected in this study, may not coincide with the point of view of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan. The authors are responsible for the facts, information, judgments and conclusions contained in the publication.

19.02.2017 1729

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