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How to rent a room or apartment?

How to rent a room or apartment?

How to rent a room or apartment?

Recommendations for the correct process of renting a room or apartment

Choose a suitable option for renting an apartment, inspect the property

You can choose an apartment yourself or with the help of real estate agencies (real estate services).

The most reliable option for reviewing advertisements for apartment rentals in the Republic of Kazakhstan can be found on the following websites:

  • www.krisha.kz (there is a corresponding sorting);
  • www.olx.kz kz in the “Real Estate” category (you can see the author’s previous advertisements and comments on them).

Verification of documents

  1. It is necessary to request title documents for the apartment from the owner;
  2. You can check the legality of the owner’s rights to an apartment at the Public Service Center or through the state portal https://egov.kz/cms/en/articles/buy_sale/rates_for_real_estate.
    Only the owner of the property can receive the certificate.
  3. Carefully check the compliance of your passport data.

Signing the contract

  1. Study the document carefully; you can request the contract in advance to show it to a lawyer.
  2. After studying the contract, ask to add the missing items, in your opinion. You can enter into an additional agreement, the text of which can be downloaded from the Internet. The agreement specifies new clauses of the main agreement or which clause is included.
  3. If you are going to stay for more than 1 month, arrange a temporary registration in advance: https://egov.kz/cms/en/articles/temp_registr
    It is important to know! There is no single standard for lease agreements in Kazakhstan, which is why most often they use standard ones downloaded from the Internet.


Payment for renting an apartment or room must be made only after signing the contract.


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