Methodological materials
Methodological materials

Methodological materials

Methodological material «Education of spiritual and moral values of youth in the context of the idea of «Rukhani zhangyru», 2018

The methodological manual "Education of spiritual and moral values ​​of youth in the context of the idea of "Rukhani zhangyru" ...
25.05.2021 4513

Digest «Methodological materials for the clarification of regulatory and program documents in the field of state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2018

Methodological materials on clarification of regulatory and program documents in the field of state youth policy of the Republic o...
26.02.2018 3592

Methodological material «Five social initiatives of the President», 2018

Methodological guide to clarify the Address of the President N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan.
26.02.2018 3556

Methodological material «Methodology for calculating the Youth Development Index «Zhastarga meyirimdi meken», 2018

The methodology for calculating the Youth Development Index was prepared by the Scientific Research Center «Youth» on behalf of th...
26.02.2018 3405